The excellent quality of the foam beer "Crop-beer" is recognized by consumers.
Dynamics and stability
Already not the first year Kropotkinsky brewery demonstrates the growth of production volumes, and not less than 17% to the level of the previous year. This is due to the fact that the employees and the management of the plant are ready to work "for results", providing the consumer with a product of excellent quality at affordable prices, attracting qualified specialists, developing new varieties of the drink.
In the conditions of economic instability, when the country is under the pressure of sanctions, it is not easy for all enterprises that work, in one way or another, with foreign partners. All events in the international political arena are reflected in the cost of raw materials, as a consequence - the cost of manufactured products is growing. "Crop-beer" is holding back price growth due to the search for Russian suppliers.
The enterprise is modernized, production capacities are growing, and the plant's products win prizes and ... the hearts of consumers.
The sweetest beer
In order to gain new experience, to exchange workings, the plant "Crop-beer" participates in international exhibitions and forums. At the famous beer festival "Beer night" in Sochi, last year Kropotkinsky Brewery LLC was awarded with diplomas for the most "sweet" ("Kuban brewer"), the most fragrant ("German dark") and the strongest beer (" Irish ale ").
Technologists of the enterprise are constantly working on replenishing the assortment, and beer lovers are happy to try new products. In 2014, new varieties of "Wheaten", "Irish El", "Crop-Stout" were launched. They have already become favorites in the collection of true connoisseurs of brewing products: they are distinguished by the uniqueness of flavoring nuances, malt blending and quality.
The main wizard
Tatyana Nikolaevna Koroleva is the chief technologist of the Kropotkinsky brewery.
At the enterprise she has been working for more than 30 years, a lifetime. Received a worker in the bottling shop in the distant 1983, the next year she became a controller in the quality department, in 1985 and 1986 she was a laboratory assistant and chemist-lab assistant. In 1987, Tatyana Nikolaevna performs the duties of the chief of PTL, and since 2000 she has been working as the senior engineer-technologist of the plant.
- Tatyana Nikolaevna, how is a new beer brand born?
- The development of new varieties of beer is always based on demand. The consumer market is being studied, and on the basis of research a decision is made to develop a variety.
- And how is the name given to the new beer?
- It's all simple. With a few exceptions - most often, we focus on the composition. If, for example, malt and hops came from the Czech Republic, then the beer can be called "Czech", or if the malt is wheaten, the local one is "Wheaten".
Active position
Employees of the enterprise participate in the life of the city of Kropotkin and the Caucasus region. The management assists in the organization of various festive and sporting events. City Day was held with the participation of "Crop-beer", is assisting in the purchase of gifts for orphans and help veterans. Many townspeople and residents of the district remember the bike-festival, organized with the active participation of the plant.
Kropotkinsky Brewery is a modern, constantly improving and improving product quality enterprise. Due to the loud name - "Crop-beer", the city of Kropotkin will soon become known to the inhabitants of Europe.
Broad country
Beer Kropotkinsky factory is popular not only among local residents. The sales market is wide - official dealers represent Kropotkin beer not only in their region, but also far beyond its borders, in the central strip of Russia and Chernozem, in the Urals, and now in the Republic of Crimea. Many people like the new Crop-beer brand store in Krasnodar. The scope, excellent design, wide range, high level of service - everything for the buyer! In the nearest future we plan to enter the international level and deliver a drink to the countries of the Eurasian Union.